“Some current problems are too complex to be solved by ‘research as usual’ and require a radically different approach.”

— Dr Marianne Boes, UMCU Young Academy

CUCo Manifesto

The CUCo way

The Centre for Unusual Collaborations (CUCo) strives to nourish passion-fueled research, where scholars can find joy and grow as researchers and as humans. CUCo honours progress over perfection, process over outcome, eco over ego, and doing business as unusual. We are committed to fostering brave spaces that enable scholars to challenge the productivity-driven, competition-based, path-dependent individualism that has come to dominate academia. These take the form of collaborative, non-hierarchical, open, fair and inclusive approaches to inter- and transdisciplinary knowledge co-generation that are currently undervalued and under-supported in conventional academic frameworks.

We believe that good scholarship requires:

  • Explorativity: Expanding our curiosity about and appreciation for the perspectives,  experiences and approaches of others that diverge from our own;

  • Non-conformity: Believing that more humane and equitable forms of collaboration are possible and striving to stay true to those ideals, despite the institutional and cultural barriers that we encounter; 

  • Co-nurturance: Engaging in communication and collaborative co-learning practices that focus on building up instead of breaking down and listening to many instead of the shouting few;

  • Creativity: Embracing diverse ways of knowing both in becoming attuned to phenomena and in the design and development of our research processes and outputs;

  • Humility: Deepening our humility and reflexivity by recognising the limits of our own scholarly traditions, perspectives and skills; 

  • Trust: Daring to be vulnerable together, by sensing, experimenting, learning from failure, and staying with the trouble.

To advance these values, we focus on four concrete fields:

  • Supporting research that brings together early and mid-career scholars with diverse profiles seeking to transcend disciplinary boundaries so as to contribute to addressing pressing challenges, in humane collaborations; 

  • Gathering and documenting knowledge on the process of inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration to advance the body of knowledge and the accessibility of that knowledge to current and future research teams;

  • Facilitating and strengthening learning processes that enhance tentacular thinking and doing - drawing on multiple senses and modes of communication to creatively engage with complex realities - among scholars from diverse backgrounds; 

  • Advocating for institutional structures that recognise and reward more nurturing, inclusive, transparent and sustainable ways for scholars to learn from and collaborate with one another, as part of an international ecosystem of like-minded initiatives.

Figure 1. Word cloud of the keywords emerging from the CUCo collective manifesto writing sessions at UU/UMCU, WUR and TU/e (Oct.-Dec. 2022)